Saturday, January 5, 2013

Bro Long Story: Kidnapped - Part 10, The Conclusion

Hey happy Saturdays everyone!

I have nothing much to say this weekend but as usual the Saturday post is here! We have come to the conclusive last part of the Kidnapped series! Hope you guys have enjoyed it thus far!

You can now read it from start to end without any cliffhangers!

Read PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9

And that's it! The end of the Kidnapped series! Hope it wasn't as senseless as I thought it would turn out to be! I will be posting up the original shittier version of this comic on the Facebook page soon in case you would like to compare the difference in terms of storytelling and art quality.

Just so you guys are informed, I will be posting less on Saturdays from now on for a bit to spend more time to work on another amazing project that hopefully will see the light of day by the end of the first quarter this year. Saturday posts will still be there, but now on a more random basis depending how free I am.

Have a great Saturday ahead!


  1. Replies
    1. yep! finally! haha. now i can take easier breaks on saturdays!

  2. Replies
    1. I needed a way to explain why his appearance was very short only haha

  3. I would say very poor story.

    1. thanks for your honest feedback. There is always room for improvement. Would appreciate it if you could let me know which part of the story made it poor and how it could have been improved? Thanks:)

  4. AHAHA! Love it! ;) Nice ending! (Although, not so nice for Shamus eh? :p)

  5. Enjoyed reading your comics :D
    Wondered when did Shamus got caught? Haha

  6. your comics are funny

  7. Lol. Shamus got kidnapped in the end. What will happen to him? I like the storyline. Casual and very malaysian style. =)
