Hey what's going on Thursday?
Why am I up so early...
Just into the fourth week of 2013 and we already have a candidate in the running for joker of the year. She is so hilarious that I can never remember her name other than referring to her as 'listen'. If you are Malaysian, you know what and who I am talking about.
So recently there is this new 'listen' phenomenon sparked from a 'debate' video that went viral on the internet. Okay so it wasn't exactly a debate. It was a colossal example of how someone could actually spew a nonsensical tirade, make irrelevant comparisons to actual facts and overpowering someone with sheer unwarranted charisma and rudeness with a solid blend of our broken national language and still get an applause by the uninitiated crowd, just because she sounded really convincing even though the whole time she was talking facts equivalent to a baked potato. Fortunately, the internet populace is not as uninitiated and saw comedy gold behind it instead.
Since then, everyone on the social media has been talking about it due to its retarded value and so many people made parodies, hilarious Facebook statuses and tweets and now she even has a song remix for it! She is like the pseudo-PSY of Malaysia right now for all the wrong reasons. If you do not know who PSY is you are a big fat liar.
This 'listen' catchword is everywhere on the internet now and due to many requests from you guys and by popular demand, it would be a shame if I didn't do a comic about it.
Or read. Or whatever.
I wonder how much ridicule can one take. |
Frame 2: Pendidikan = Education
Frame 3: Kucing = Cat, Anjing = Dog, Apparently jaws directly means shark.
I don't care if the comic doesn't really make any sense because when she speaks, she doesn't make any either. I am counterbalancing. Or not. Who cares.
I had trouble finding one focal point at her comedy gold just so I could draw this comic. It was a huge problem for me.
It is confirmed now that everyone has problems. Even Jaws.
Shark fin soup anyone?
No? So here's another one.
And that is how she has officially ruin every possible gathering we can ever have for the rest of our lives. |
Frame 1: Berkumpul lebih dari tiga orang adalah haram = A gathering of more than three people is illegal.
Frame 3: Haram = Illegal
I could go on but then people will then tell me to shut up and listen.
And tell me to go to Cuba.
Have a great weekend ahead!