Hey guys! I'm back from the Chinese New Year holidays! Hope everyone had a great time during the festivities. Hope no one O.D.'d from mandarin oranges.
I know this entry is a little bit early but I had no choice but to upload it right now before I leave my hometown to KL and brave the nightmarish traffic along the North South Highway. Who knows what time I would reach there.
I was planning to do a strip about the new year holidays but I guess that has to wait as they are not complete yet. Hope by the time I release them they would not be old news. For now, I would have to put up something which has happened to me recently and the bros have insisted I make one on this as they said its about time I get embarrassed in this cartoon series. Well, I had no choice but to do this lest the bros would not let me tell the world about their other embarrassing stories. Anyhow, here is this week's cartoon. Enjoy!
*click to enlarge*
There I have done it. You bros happy now?! |
I wouldn't expect to be hot stuff to the ladies anymore after this week.
Just another announcement. For the time being, the posting of my cartoons would not be consistent as I would be relocating my habitat and my new abode does not have internet access yet so I would only upload whenever I can get my hands on some Internet. (No, I have never heard of it. What is a "Starbucks"?)
Do bear with me on this while I settle down and rebuild my connection to the world in my new place and in the mean time, allow me to zip up my pants first.