Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Problem With Being Too Friendly, part 2

Hey everybody Thursday is here!

So I was randomly walking around the mall one day and I had a dejavu moment. Wait. Is that how we spell dejavu? Spell check suggested 'Dejesus'.

Back to the topic at hand, I had this moment where I felt that it had happened before or I dreamt of it the other day. And I knowing what would happen, decided to do something that I wouldn't usually do.

Here was the incident that happened to me before.

Here is how.

I only noticed it after she posted a passive aggressive status on her Facebook.
No wonder a lot of people have unfriended me over my social network.

Have a great weekend ahead!


  1. Facebook should have a friend-auto detection mode. LOL

  2. once again this is where Google Glass would be so useful. Face detection tech bebeh! plus u get to look like ur from Dragon Ball! :D

    1. haha yeah. and we can say OVER 9000 in public!

  3. Well, normally i dont react cause my eyesight damn bad. if i dont wear specs or contacts. but even so, when i do. i'm quite blur. try me walking on the roads, i dont even know when my colleagues are honking wanting to gimme a ride cause i have my earphones on. =P just remind people that you are forever blur. =P

    1. i guess its time for me to have that forever trait as well.

  4. master butts!? nice comic btw, dun end up forever alone...

    1. glad you noticed that little easter egg. it was supposed to be a pizza hut but i changed it. you know. copyright and sh*t.

      i am trying my very hardest

  5. Since when you got saham got no pride already

    1. T3T thanks bro for reminding me. my saham memang dah lama hancur

  6. last last tak maintain pun.. sedeyyyyyy

  7. saham maintain...tu yang penting...

  8. hahaha funny la u! go apologise! that's the next step after this!

  9. happened to me a lot... so usually before I respond to their gestures I will look over my shoulder if there's anyone else, or at least they call my name... if not i make dono jek ahaha

  10. happen to be in this kind situation.. what i do, i look to where he/she wave, if no one, maybe means me. another way, what i'm paractising, i'm just say hello to the person that i know.

  11. OH MY GOD,wrong timing

  12. hmmm wtf Saham Maintained XD lol

    anyways . . . maybe that time ur mata open too big liao is it? thats why the person can obviously see that you actually detected her "wave" XD

    adios amingo

  13. haha... same situation lah... XD...

  14. see people wave, look behind, notice no one, wave back, score!

  15. Ahaha, aiyoooo. Cham lor! xD Next time, pretend you're going that way so you can get closer and have a better look before ignoring them! :p Can always say you forgot your specs or something xD

  16. bro, habis lor, this one Jatuh Saham lagi teruk. she inform all her friends that know you. kao kao this time, at least when you wave to a stranger they don't know who you are


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