Wow, that is a long title for a post.
Hey everybody! Guess what time it is?
Time to get a watch.
OK no seriously, the DiGi Internet For All WWWOW AWARDS are back again this year! So the other day some comic bloggers I know were saying that they are joining this year and have already submitted their entries. Initially I didn’t want to enter again this year as I don’t think I have the confidence that I
would be able to win the Blogger of The Year title award again. Yes. Many do
not know that I was the winner for that category last year. *koff*
Even if they did, they might have forgotten by now.
But after hearing my fellow comic blogger friends say
inspiring stuff and their wishes for the award, I can’t help myself but to
think that perhaps I should give it another go again this year! Who knows that
I could possibly win again? That would be awesome! And people could also
finally come to the conclusion that I am a greedy bastardo.
So I've made my decision. I have decided that I will enter the DiGi Internet For All WWWOW AWARDS again this year!
Watch out everyone!
That moment. |
So DiGi didn’t let me join this year again.
That means here comes your chance!
Since I would not be able to participate this year, you should enter your submissions! Anyone can join as long as you fit in any of the categories that are contested this year! Who knows? You could be the next big thing on the internet! Like seriously. Don’t believe? Just ask me. Ever since winning an award in DiGi Internet For All WWWOW Awards last year it has been non-stop crazy till now. The good kind of crazy.
You have no idea.
Although the voting period has begun, you can still submit
your entries but hurry as submissions will close soon! Don’t forget to vote for
your favourite entries as well if you love their work! I know who I am voting
for. They look like the three characters in the first and second panel. If you
have been following the comic blogging scene for awhile, you will know who they
are! They are my choices! Who is yours?
Head on to
now to submit and vote! (that's a lot of W's)
Who knows? We might get to hang out in Philippines together!