This is sort of a sponsored post.
Hey how’s everyone doing?
For the past couple of years, there’s a surge in online
businesses and startups. Some made it, some failed. But those that made it made
serious bank. If only I was more business savvy but I end up drawing comics
online and I am still as poor as shit.
It is a no brainer that online businesses are the in thing
now and everyone would like to have their own. It’s much easier than opening up
a conventional physical store like those days. Anyone can run a money making
business plan from the comfort of their own home these days.
It sounds so easy that Shamus thought of trying his hand at
Guess who became the colossal asshole that pour cold water
at all his aspiration?
Me. Who else. |
But it is a known fact these days that online businesses
aren’t as easy as people think it is. There are a lot of things to consider
when venturing into the e-commerce sector.
There is a simpler solution though.
Even I have no idea what Jon just said. |
And we have no idea what happened to the real Jon.
Keen to start your own online business? Why not try out the
EBiz Power Hosting Plan brought to you by Exabytes?
Get your money maker on in 3 simple steps! DETAILS HERE
If you do get rich after this, please do call me out and buy
me and my bros a meal.
We are waiting.
Just for your info, the bros eat like dinosaurs.
Have a great week ahead!