Saturday, July 28, 2012

B.R.O.S.: Facebook Shenanigans #4: How Boring Are You?

Hey Saturday is here! Time for another Being Random On Saturday!

As we all know, Shamus spends a load of time on Facebook daily till the point that Jon actually says that Shamus can easily be the CEO of Facebook Malaysia for the time he has dedicated on this social media tool. (No I do not have a screenshot of that as it was not said over Facebook)

So, one day, as usual, Shamus posts yet another menial Facebook status but I couldn't help myself as it has a double meaning to me.

The screenshot will make this explanation easier.

At that moment he was rather cryptic to an almost genius level.
No, bro. I am not really calling you a genius.

I gave up within less than five minutes.

A little punctuation could really help, bro. And you meant that you are BORED, not boring. If you were boring I don't think I would wanna hang out with you anymore.

Why are there so many people confused between the word 'boring' and 'bored'? To the grammatically uninitiated, when you say you are boring, it means you bore people with your boring Facebook statuses. When you say you are bored, it means that some boring idiot is boring you with his boring Facebook status.

Unless you are really trying to tell the world that you are actually a boring person, then by all means you can say that you are boring.

I shall stop being such a grammar Nazi now.

Aw! C'mon bro! Don't go to the corner!

Have a great Saturday everyone!


  1. my head hurts trying to understand that lol

  2. Shamus might be a boring person in his own term LOL

  3. maybe he is a boring person? trying to make a point? hahahaha

  4. Grammar Paladins UNITE!!!

  5. i don't know why, but i really like your comics about facebook. do more facebook entries :) i like XP

  6. I dunno what is he talking about! Teach me Mustard! :D

  7. damn cryptic man, took me a while to understand that he was actually trying to tell u something! i tot it was a bunch of words just randomly put together :P

  8. i can decode,easy.
    commas missing,
    movie on, not watching. lite fm on, not listening.
    MAN~ I'm smart :P


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