Thursday Mursday and the weekend is coming! Not to forget the WEEK LONG BREAK OF RAYA HOLIDAYS! Time to
mess shit up get duit raya go party celebrate after the month long of fasting! (for my Muslim friends I mean. I failed to puasa all the way and only managing to last
7 days OK FIVE cause I cheated a little!)
Anyway, whatever happened to the
Justin Bubur that Shamus bought from the bazaar?
Read the initial part
HERE first in order to get the damn joke.
Daryl is positive max. |
In case you are new here, this is actually a running joke from episodes like
THIS and
Okay. So today's comic might be a little short and anti-climatic. "Ernest, you are getting pretty lame and lazy aren't you?" Well, actually no. (Okay you got that part half right: lame, yes. lazy, no)
Why? It is most probably due to the fact that I am busy preparing for something AWESOME that is going to happen in the whole month of September! (the comic is turning ONE next month (9th September) in case you don't know that already) We're heading towards Year Two very, VERY soon and to commemorate that event we will have
special episodes every Monday for the whole of next month! (Not exactly. It's still gonna be my usual six frames and dick jokes but it will be a
little different I promise)
Stay tuned and have a great and safe trip for those going to
balik kampung for the Raya Holidays and have an awesome weekend subsequently and an inevitably awesome holiday!