YOU! Yes, you! The one
slacking off at work/ in class/ at home and reading this right now!
Before I continue, sorry for the delay in today's posting. I got stuck in meeting. Now I'm back to business. I'll let you know first that there is no comic today but I would like to take this opportunity to
ramble on things you might not care about say something. Bear with me it might be a bit wordy.
This will be the first post for November and it is rather special to me because so many good things has happened so early in this month which I have not seen it coming ever since I began drawing comics online in September last year. Not to mention that November is also my birthday month so I would guess all these gifts are the best gifts I've received so far. Coincidental as it might be, I am very touched and deeply grateful.
First off, if you have been updated by the comic's official Facebook page, (Yes. That is where I post all my latest updates of the ongoings related to the bros and the comics, so click 'LIKE' if you haven't now!) you may have noticed that lately the comic series has received acknowledgements from two big players in the media industry.
A week before November, I received a call from
Thara of Nuffnang, informing me that I will be November's featured blogger of the month. It was something that I had never expected to have from the very first day I signed up with Nuffnang. I remembered scrolling down their website and seeing that they have a column on the bottom left and featuring bloggers every month. I told myself at that time, "
Fat hopes you Chinese geek boy you will never get to be featured in Nuffnang! Muahahaha!" The mouth of my subconscious mind is very cruel to me sometimes.
Nevertheless, after a year and a month, I was actually announced the featured blogger of the month!
Who's laughing now you stupid subconscious mind?! You f***! |
I curse to myself a lot.
Anyways, I hope you are not straining your eyes to read the text in that image so
here's the link to the full article in case you haven't read it yet.
I extend my deepest thanks to
Nuffnang for having me and giving me something which was beyond my expectations.
Then, within the next two days, my comic (alongside several others) was featured in the Star Newspaper's RAGE column as a cover story. For those outside Malaysia who aren't able to get themselves a copy more less get to read the article, here is the full scanned version. I hope you don't have to strain your eyes though.
Yes. That ugly guy in purple is me. Pouleen is so young. Wai Kit doesn't wear yeollow. And Jian is not actually a cat. That fact alone disappoints me. |
Still too small to see the text? Here's a
link to the online version.
Special thanks to Jason from for doing this write up of us and also to the editors and the guys at the Star! I am deeply grateful for this opportunity to be featured in the newspaper. At least now I finally get to be in the newspaper for all the right reasons.
Also, I never mentioned it anywhere but I have also reached the milestone of my 100th comic strip and I hadn't realised it up till now. It's about 105+ strips already actually and I was so engrossed in churning out strips week after week that I was entirely oblivious to this. Another milestone achieved earlier was also the 1,000th like on the comic's Facebook page. All of these that were beyond what I had expected the moment I decided to begin drawing comics on the Internet.
So much, in such a short time and I do really hope I will be able to keep this momentum. But what I am trying to say here is that, all of these could not have come to be if it weren't for you, the person reading this right now. Your continuous and undying support has been the fuel for me to keep going with this series and I admit there were really tough times where I just wanted to toss my computer out the 15th floor window and give up entirely but all the likes, the comments, the responses, the shares, the reviews, the etc. that you guys pour out thus far has ensured that I do not lose my sanity to my comics. I know this is a little cliche and you may have heard it a million times but it still does not deny the fact that I could not have done it without every single one of you. Friends, families, enemies and all.
I am touched by all your kind words and encouragement and I will continuously do my best to pour out the best quality content for your cognitive pleasure as long as I do not suffer a burn out which I honestly do hope of not having.
I do not know how to show my gratitude in a justifiable manner and thanking each and everyone of you name by name will take ages as the list will go on and on.
Therefore, I shall do it in the only way I know how. Remember, this is dedicated to you.
GO, BRO! GO! |
May the series only get bigger and better from here! Thank you my dear bros for always letting me get away with it.
Thank you for your time if you did read it all the way from the beginning. Even if you didn't that's still okay because your presence here means so much to me.
Thank you all once again! I shall go wipe my tears now.
Have a great weekend guys!
*Comic resumes as usual on Monday*